J.J. Scott, AIA, (M.Arch. 2007) is an invited speaker at the
Post Date:2014-05-31 6:05:00 J.J. Scott, AIA, (M.Arch. 2007) is an invited speaker at the AIA’s 2014 State Government Network (SGN)...
Post Date:2014-05-31 6:05:00 J.J. Scott, AIA, (M.Arch. 2007) is an invited speaker at the AIA’s 2014 State Government Network (SGN)...
Post Date:2014-05-30 0:05:00 Congrats to Leon T. Williams (MArch Alum) - a licensed architect in Florida. Leon is currently working...
Post Date:2014-05-23 15:05:00 SOOO... How much DO Architects make? Check out the interactive map here: http://acsa-arch.org/resources/data-resources/data-visualization/architect-wages-across-the-u-s-and-canada Facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/famusoa/photos/a.10151734400369734/10152577175429734/?type=3
Post Date:2014-05-22 11:05:00 Our photogenic 2014 4th year graduates! Facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/famusoa/photos/a.461810224733/10152574335209734/?type=3
Post Date:2014-05-21 9:05:00 Our 4th year student 2014 graduates feeling like a "room without a roof"! Facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/famusoa/photos/a.461810224733/10152571910474734/?type=3
Post Date:2014-05-21 9:05:00 SOA family: If anyone has a current email addy for "Nicholas Kirkland"....please contact me at valerie.goodwin@famu.edu Need...
Post Date:2014-05-19 9:05:00 Our 2014 5th year Architecture program grads -- feeling "happy"! l Facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/famusoa/posts/pfbid097t4qWtypASxthWET64mAR5sV73PZa87ZakXvdKWNDr7GUZLQ4wCcxTsHouLjKGKl
Post Date:2014-05-18 23:05:00 The SOA was contacted by Tom Pace (tpace@loyalsource.com) looking for ... "an entry level design engineer for...
Post Date:2014-05-18 23:05:00 The SOA was contacted by Rob Evans, AIA, NCARB (revans@ipgarchitects.com) stating ... "IPG is interested in talking...
Post Date:2014-05-18 23:05:00 SOA Alum Joseph Yates indicated that “URS has an opening for a cost analyst at KSC. Requires...