Jonathan Fair and David Brown provide comments to the curren
Post Date:2017-10-21 20:10:00 Jonathan Fair and David Brown provide comments to the current M.Arch. students about their Spring project proposals....
Post Date:2017-10-21 20:10:00 Jonathan Fair and David Brown provide comments to the current M.Arch. students about their Spring project proposals....
Post Date:2017-10-21 20:10:00 After an office tour and lunch at Studio Gang, the students visited Smith Group JRR. Raymond Taft...
Post Date:2017-10-21 19:10:00 @ and David Brown provide comments to the students' project proposals. Jonathan, a FAMU alum, is the...
Post Date:2017-10-21 19:10:00 Raymond Taft Cleveland, FAMU alum, hosts the FAMU students at Smith Group JRR Architects. Thank You Raymond!!!...
Post Date:2017-10-16 8:10:00 Many of these are quite useful: Facebook Link:
Post Date:2017-10-14 20:10:00 SAET Homecoming BBQ & Tailgate was hosted by the student organizations (APX & AIAS) and alumni (Curtis...
Post Date:2017-10-12 20:10:00 FAMU SAET welcomes Student, Faculty, Staf + Alumni to the 2017 Homecoming BBQ, FRI, 12:00-1:30, Walter Smith...
Post Date:2017-10-12 20:10:00 FAMU SAET welcomes Student, Faculty, Staff + Alumni to the 2017 Homecoming Tailgate, SAT, 12:00-3:00, Bragg Stadium...
Post Date:2017-10-04 16:10:00 recharging the system, before a late night of studio . . . . Facebook Link:
Post Date:2017-10-03 4:10:00 Facebook Link: