The FAMU SAET welcomes Imani Day, AIA, an award-winning, licensed architect, as a guest critic in the Fall 2021 3rd year design studio.

Post Date:2021-08-18 23:08:00
The FAMU SAET welcomes Imani Day, AIA, an award-winning, licensed architect, as a guest critic in the Fall 2021 3rd year design studio. Originally from Montclair, NJ, she graduated early from Cornell University’s School of Architecture in 2011 and spent her early career in New York. In addition to designing equitable and inclusive projects across the country, Imani is an adjunct professor focused on teaching social justice via design and architecture as advocacy.
As a member of the National Organization of Minority Architects executive board and AIA Detroit, Imani continues to champion equity within the profession. She leads strategic planning to create economic opportunities for designers of color. As a writer and editor, Imani works to amplify underrepresented voices and uncover social issues in the industry. She is proud to be the 13th African American woman to become a licensed architect in Michigan and 463rd in America.
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